Books and Borrowing 1750-1830

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Book Edition: Flora Londinensis: or plates and descriptions of such plants as grow wild in the environs of London: with Their Places of Growth, and Times of Flowering; their several Names according to Linnaeus and other Authors: with A particular Description of each Plant in Latin and English. To which are Added, Their several Uses in Medicine, Agriculture, Rural Oeconomy, and other Arts.

Your search matched 1 borrowing record.

Flora Londinensis: or plates and descriptions of such plants as grow wild in the environs of London: with Their Places of Growth, and Times of Flowering; their several Names according to Linnaeus and other Authors: with A particular Description of each Plant in Latin and English. To which are Added, Their several Uses in Medicine, Agriculture, Rural Oeconomy, and other Arts.


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You have selected the year 1786


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Record ID 54028

Library: Glasgow University Library. Register: MS Lib 5: Professors Receipt Book (1770-1790, Type: Professorial). Page: 87v

Curtis's Flora Londinensis 53 Numbers

Borrowed: 1786/8/4 (Friday). Returned: 1786/8/10 (Thursday). Original Borrowed Date: 4 Aug 1786. Original Returned Date: 10 Aug 1786.


William Richardson
Gender: Male.
Occupation (original): Professor.
Original Full Name: M.r Richardson. Life dates: 1743-1814. Academic dates: 1757-1763; MA 1763.
Occupation (normalised): Education > University Professor.

Book HoldingLibrary record

Genre: Medicine, Genre: Natural Philosophy, Genre: Practical Arts/Useful Knowledge
Flora Londinensis: or plates and descriptions of such plants as grow wild in the environs of London: with their places of growth, and times of flowering; their several names according to Linnaeus and other authors ...
Possible modern shelfmark: Sp Coll e122-124. Original Author: Curtis, William, 1746-1799..
Volumes borrowed: Volume 1, Volume 2